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State of the Arts Media 

State of the Arts Media is a professional design studio that specializes in design consultation, art direction, and visual presentation for projects of all sizes. Its clients range from major newspapers including The Philadelphia Inquirer to small businesses and individuals. For local performers looking to build their audience, State of the Arts Media can provide guidance on social media marketing, website design, and the creation of print marketing items including advertisements, posters, signs, cards, t-shirts, and graphics for use in print or on the web. 

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Cover of “…But Not Forgotten”
Infographic: “…But Not Forgotten”
The People’s Winery
Wine Label
Scarecrowe Poster
Little Turtle Waterway
Infographic: Med Flory
Business Card
Business Card
Infographic: Philadelphia City Hall
Book Cover: Champions
Newspaper Design
Newspaper Design
Newspaper Design
Newspaper Design
Infographic: Andy Reid
Book Cover: “God Bless the Spectrum”
Newspaper Design
Newspaper Design: MTV turns 30
Infographic: The Pa. Primary
Newspaper Design
Newspaper Design
Infographic: Obama’s Cabinet
Page one design: Bin Laden killed
Infographic: Japan Earthquake
Infographic: Exxon Valdez
Infographic: Mac Turns 30
Infographic: Dinosaurs
Newspaper Design
Newspaper Design
Illustration and Page Design

© 2023 State of the Arts Media LLC.

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